Country: KE - Kenya
Language/s spoken: English
Topics: Master Trainer in SIYB/IMESUN/GERME

Ms. Okone is a Licensed Master Trainer with the International Labour Organization/Start and Improve your Business (ILO/SIYB) programme as well as a facilitator in the areas of small enterprise and community development. She is specialized in the identification, prioritization, design, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of wide ranging development initiatives focusing on marginalized groups, the women, the youth and local communities using participatory methods such as Participatory Integrated Community Development (PICD), Participatory Impact Monitoring (PIM), Participatory Rural Appraisal/ Participatory Learning and Action (PRA/PLA), ZOPP and Strength, Weakness, Opportunity Threat (SWOT) and SIYB.

As a Master Trainer, she has been extensively involved in Marketing the ILO/SIYB programme, carrying out TNA, designing SIYB training programmes, conducting Training of Trainers (ToT), Supervising and certifying qualified trainers as well as monitoring and evaluating impact of the programme and mentoring the trainers in the process. She has experience in working in the following countries Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and South Sudan. She has also been carrying out Training Needs Assessment (TNA) and Credit Needs Assessment (CNA) with a view to developing custom-made training manuals and materials. Her areas of expertise include development of training manuals, training of entrepreneurs and trainers in business management and micro-finance operations with a view to wealth creation through economic empowerment. As a facilitator she has been using participatory methods of training.

Rafaela Madera
Country: DO - Dominican Republic
Language/s spoken: Spanish
Topics: Master Trainer in SIYB/IMESUN/GERME, Trainer in GET Ahead

Lic. en economía con maestría en administración de empresas(MBA). Experiencia laboral en los sectores público y privado. En el sector público acumulé experiencia en el departamento de estudios económicos en el Centro de Exportación e Inversión, CEI-RD y en el privado he laborado en el sector de ferreteria, elaboración, comercialización e importación de muebles. Emprendí mi propio negocio, una agencia de viajes, cuya actividad principal eran las excursiones dentro y fuera del país.

Docente Formadora de Formadores en el Instituto de Formación Técnico Profesional, INFOTEP. Trainer del Programa Género y Emprendimiento  y Master Trainer del Programa Inicie y Mejore su Negocio, IMESUN (Licencia renovada en nov/2018), ambos de la OIT.

En la actualidad me dedico a la consultoría en desarrollo empresarial,  y docencia en el  INFOTEP. En esta institución del sector público descentralizado, soy formadora de formadores de la formación profesional, tutora virtual, formadora de los formadores en emprendimiento con el Programa IMESUN-OIT. He capacitado facilitadores de IMESUN abarcando todas las regiones del país. Además presto mis servicios al Departamento de Apoyo a la Productividad, cuyo trabajo consiste en capacitaciones puntuales en las empresas sobre los temas de nuestras competencias profesionales.

Sibongile Sibanda
Country: ZW - Zimbabwe
Language/s spoken: English
Topics: Master Trainer in SIYB/IMESUN/GERME, Trainer in GET Ahead

Sibongile has over 20 years experience in the SIYB programme. She holds a Masters in Business Administration, BA General Degree, Diploma in Marketing and Public Relations, Diploma in Training and Human Resources. She supports the ILO in Developing SIYB Master Trainers and Trainers. Sibongile has developed Master Trainers in the following countries, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, Egypt, Kenya and Jordan. She has trained SIYB trainers across Southern and Eastern Africa, Middle East and Asia. In addition to training Sibongile has supported a number of Government, Private sector and Non Governmental institutions to design and implement entrepreneurship development programmes. Sibongile also supports the ILO in the development of SIYB materials and ensuring they are kept up to date and responsive to the needs of the target group.

Bamba Fall
Country: SN - Senegal
Language/s spoken: English, French
Topics: Master Trainer in SIYB/IMESUN/GERME

Bamba Fall is a fully bilingual SIYB Master Trainer ( French and English). He was first certified in 2004 and continuously trained many trainers. He recently worked in Haiti in 2017 and in the Bahamas. He has a long experience in Africa,  in Asia and the Caribbean, about 36 countries in total. He also trains in Level 1 and he is a certified LIFE COACH and in Intercultural integration.


Khaleelul Rahman
Country: IN - India
Language/s spoken: English
Topics: Master Trainer in SIYB/IMESUN/GERME

I am Master trainer in SIYB since 2014. I have done my Bachelors in Commerce and Masters in Social work specializing in HR working in the field of development particularly Livelihood Education. I have conducted 12 Training of trainers (TOT) and as Co-trainer in two Training of Master Trainer (TOMT).

I have also attended SIYB level 1 training in 2007. I am associated with SIYB training since 2007. I have worked in India and Srilanka. I want to work internationally to impart my training knowledge to others.

Azad Rahimov
Country: AZ - Azerbaijan
Language/s spoken: English, Russian, Turkish
Topics: Master Trainer in SIYB/IMESUN/GERME

National Integrated Youth Employment Strategies (I-YES) Facilitator, ILO’s Master Trainer SIYB: Certified 11.2010, #AZE/01/196, E-Tutor D4, C2In that capacity, I am a license holder for promoting and sustaining the SIYB programme on behalf of the ILO, in Azerbaijan and abroad. These include (I) broad promotion of the programme to private and public training institutions, (II) organization and training of SIYB trainers, (III) ensuring effective training programmes for starting,emerging and existing entrepreneurs carried out by ILO certified SIYB training providers and (IV) to ensure regular impact assessments of the SIYB programme (including compilation of cases of entrepreneurship development).In the capacity of SIYB Master Trainer, I realised to initiate action for securing full sustainability of the SIYB programme in Azerbaijan.  I explored all possibilities for partnerships in order to secure the needed technical capabilities (to train potential and existing entrepreneurs), institutional capabilities (to diffuse the programme, to link it with other Business Development and Financial Services and to provide policy advice) and to secure the programme’s financial sustainability.Also I provided ILO SIYB TOT trainings for youth,distance learning teaching responsibilities, preparation of training materials for the teaching and adaptation of materials to the local needs.

During 2016 I provided 10 SYB TOT and  trained 142 trainers to be developed within the TOT funded by ILO and MLSPP Azerbaijan.

Those SIB trainers provided TOE and 1500 socially vulnerable persons got an access to financial resources to start their own businesses and permanent employment opportunities.On november 2017 indepented evaluation provading by Tony Powers.He noted:Project achievements in Azerbaijan included contributions to the creation of a permanent tripartite Commission on Labour, economic and sosial affairs, the finalization of a new National Employment Policy and capacity buliding and reform of the PES.

During 2018 I provided 2 SYB Tot and  trained 30 trainers for MLSPP

International experience:

Russia (2010), SYB TOT in Russia (North Ossetia - Alanyia), trained 10 senior level employees of the Sosial and Labor protection Department us SYB trainer

Ukraine (2015) SYB TOT

Tadjikistan (2015) in the frame of 2 TOT's 33 SYB trainers

Silvia Moreno
Country: PE - Peru
Language/s spoken: Spanish
Topics: Master Trainer in SIYB/IMESUN/GERME








Primer nombre



Segundo nombre






2.Fecha de nacimiento

Día  18       Mes  02      Año  1960


3. Lugar de nacimiento



4. Nacionalidad de nacimiento



5. Nacionalidad actual



6. Sexo



7.  Estado civil:


Soltero __            Casado(a) _X_


Separado(a) __                Viudo(a)) __           Divorciado(a) __




8. Dirección permanente

Pasaje Cipriano Dulanto Calle 1 N° 100 a la altura de la cuadra 18 Av. La Mar – Pueblo Libre, Lima


Número de teléfono: 958 333 297



9. Dirección actual


Pasaje Cipriano Dulanto Calle 1 N° 100 a la altura de la cuadra 18 Av. La Mar – Pueblo Libre, Lima

Número de teléfono: 958 333 297



10. Oficina


Av. Víctor A. Belaúnde A-4, Umacollo

Arequipa - Perú

Número de teléfono: 0051(54) 340368



11.Mi especialización y experiencia:


Consultora, asesora, facilitadora en Gestión Empresarial, con especialización en diseño, formulación, ejecución y evaluación de Programas Curriculares de Capacitación dirigida a la formación de emprendedores y empresarios de la pequeña y microempresa de área rural y urbana, con enfoque de género e interculturalidad.


Formadora y Capacitadora de Facilitadores en las metodologías de la OIT, CEFE, PROGESTIÓN, Programa de Desarrollo Económico Local en los países andinos de Perú, Bolivia, Ecuador y Centroamérica por más de 16 años.


Facilitadora de procesos de planeamiento estratégico, consultora de organismos nacionales para la formulación de proyectos en el marco del SNIP (Sistema Nacional de Inversión Pública), Presupuestos Participativos, asesoría en formulación de planes de desarrollo regional y local concertados.


Capacidad de síntesis, análisis y facilidad de redacción, manejo de herramientas internet y microsoft office.


Facilitadora experta en la metodología CEFE, miembro de CEFE INTERNATIONAL, Master Trainer IMESUN de la OIT – Organización Internacional del Trabajo en formación de facilitadores.


Especialista en la elaboración y validación de materiales educativos, planes de capacitación, aplicación de metodologías de capacitación de adolescentes, jóvenes y adultos en desarrollo local y desarrollo empresarial dirigido a emprendedores y empresarios de la micro y pequeña empresa. Experiencia en manejo de grupos (experiencia desarrollada con los Ministerios de Educación, Producción, Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo, agencias de Cooperación como Solid International, CTB, CARE PERÚ, ITDG SOLUCIONES PRÁCTICAS, VECO ANDINO; otras instituciones como Sierra Exportadora, Gobierno Regional Ayacucho, FONDO EMPLEO.


Coautora del Programa de Capacitación “Elementos de Gestión Empresarial Mujer Andina” - EGE-MUA, coautora del “Programa de Gestión Local/Regional y Gobernabilidad”, diseñado para la prestación de servicios de capacitación, consultoría, asesoría y asistencia técnica a gobiernos locales y regionales,  coautora del Programa Modular: “Emprendimientos Económicos para Pueblos Indígenas y Originarios de los Países Andinos” con auspicio y a solicitud del Programa EUROsociAL, el Centro Internacional de Formación de la OIT – Turín y la Oficina Regional de la OIT para América Latina y el Caribe.


Autora del Programa Autoestima, Liderazgo y Características Emprendedoras - ALICE dirigido a la formación emprendedora de adolescentes y jóvenes en situación de riesgo – Ayacucho. Co Autora del Programa Cultura Emprendedora y Productiva dirigida a los docentes de los Pedagógicos Estatales del Perú. Autora de la innovación curricular, validación y seminarios taller de Formación de Docentes basados en Programas de la OIT (EMPRENDIMIENTOS PARA PUEBLOS INDÍGENAS Y ORIGINARIOS Y GENERE UNA IDEA DE NEGOCIO E INICIE SU NEGOCIO),


Miembro de un equipo especializado en la elaboración de estudios, diagnósticos, investigaciones para identificar demandas y necesidades de capacitación, asesoría, asistencia técnica de entidades educativas, equipos de facilitadores y grupos meta. Elaboración y validación de materiales educativos, planes de capacitación, aplicación de metodologías de capacitación de adolescentes, jóvenes y adultos, sistematizaciones aplicadas en comunidades, Gobiernos Locales y espacios concertados.


Tengo calificación y competencias para realizar rápidamente diagnósticos situacionales y diseñar estrategias encaminadas hacia la prevención de conflictos, o cuando ocurren éstas, asesorar en la realización de acciones de concertación, diálogo y consulta con los actores de un determinado territorio, orientando las acciones a la ejecución de actividades que tengan impacto social y económico, buscando la armonía entre los operadores privados, públicos y la sociedad civil.




12. Referencias


Nombre completo


Dirección completa


Teléfono No.


Profesión u ocupación


Mario Tueros


Calle Baca Flor 317

Magdalena - Lima


: 9999 36485


Asesor de entidades públicas y privadas, ex funcionario de la OIT. Ex Docente en los programas de maestrías en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) y Director del Programa de Sicología y docente en la USIL (Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola de Lima-Perú).



Carlos Barrenechea Lercari


Avenida San Borja Sur 679, Of. 601, San Borja. Lima – Perú.



Oficina: 9969 62800


Responsable del Área de Desarrollo Socio Económico de la empresa BARRENECHEA&ROSEMBERG ASOCIADOS S.A., que presta servicios a las empresas mineras.


Domicilio: 01- 2241 117


Alberto García De Romaña


Calle Manuel Almenara 328, Urb. Aurora – Miraflores – Lima



Oficina: 9866 46451


Asesor Técnico Nacional de Proyectos  FAO Perú.

Asesor en la implementación de Programas Sociales del gobierno peruano.


Domicilio: 9973 99610




Mayo de 2018


Jeyald Antony Rasaratnam
Country: LK - Sri Lanka
Language/s spoken: English
Topics: Master Trainer in SIYB/IMESUN/GERME

Jeyald has experience of successfully coordinating the different projects for various agencies concerned with the Project Management, Livelihood and Food Security, SME & business development, Relief and Rehabilitation and WASH. Jeyald oversee implementation and operations of the following projects with minimum supervision of country representatives.
• Improving Food Security and the Nutritional Status of Returned Populations in Northern Sri Lanka - ECHO
• Livelihood Assistance for Mullaitivu Population – SWS / SDC
• Community Managed Enterprise and Cooperative Development - USAID
• Civil Society Capacity Building project - AusAid
• Community Strengthening and saving and credit program for Women - NORAD
• Livelihood and business development - NORAD
• Rural Integrated Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene project - DFAT

Jeyald qualified in Master of Business Administration from University of Wales Institute, Cardiff - UK, Post Graduate Diploma in Political Education from Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Germany and Bachelor of Business Administration from University of Jaffna. He collected professional qualifications as International Master Trainer for Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) programme, Business Adviser for Social Enterprise and Facilitator for Local Value Chain Development. 

Jeyald has excellent organizational skills and an ability to maintain the big picture while attending to details and comfortable working with people of all levels and having an excellent community approach to achieve project goals. His life and career have been driven by a strong passion to alleviate the suffering of disadvantaged people around the world.

Jeyald is now working for World Vision Lanka as Technical Adviser - Economic and Agriculture Development. 

Country: AE - United Arab Emirates
Language/s spoken: Arabic, English, French
Topics: Master Trainer in SIYB/IMESUN/GERME

Le nom du formateur : SOUAMI Dalil

La date de naissance : 21 décembre1979

Les années d’expérience dans le domaine de  formation GERME : depuis 2005 (13 ans)

Fonction actuel : Formateur  de Formateurs certifié par  l’OIT dans le programme « Gérez Mieux Votre Entreprise » GERME (SIYB)

Madhuban Pandey
Country: IN - India
Language/s spoken: English
Topics: Master Trainer in SIYB/IMESUN/GERME

Madhuban Pandey completed Post Graduate Program in Entrepreneurship Management from XLRI Jamshedpur (Batch 2016-17) after working 13 years in the development sector to specialize in entrepreneurship, business startup and business management. He is the co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of SCORE Livelihood Foundation.  SCORE is working towards “Establishing eco-system for enabling and enriching livelihood”. He has been recently completed 5 weeks professional fellowship programme of United States, in the area of local economic development and was placed with University of Oklahoma, USA.    

His last engagement was with Development Alternatives Group (DAG) as Dy. General Manage, where he has worked 9+ years, to contribute independently to the entrepreneurship, local economic development and creating livelihood at the large scale. In this journey he had engaged funder, investor and CSR organizations like HUL, HP, Godrej, GAIL, NPCL, Fullerton, Linde etc. He has also build up the non-financial partnership with Marico, Yale University, NSDC, ILO etc. to set up an effective delivery mechanism and business growth planning. He had also worked with the national and international academic institutions like BIMTECH, TERI University, Aravali Institute of Management, University of Austria, Oslo, Yale and Minnesota to train their students and make them aware about sustainability factors, models, rural immersion, social enterprise models etc. Prior to DAG Madhuban had worked with Vedanta Foundation as Manager – Academics & Quality in Mumbai and GIZ in India as Project Officer for Min. of Agriculture and Cooperation, Govt. of India in Maharashtra state. 

Madhuban is a Master Trainer for Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) program of International Labor Organization. He trains the trainers, do the required follow up with them and ensure the creation of the micro and small enterprises. SIYB is currently the largest global business management training programme with a focus on starting and improving businesses as a strategy for creating more and better employment for women and men. He is trained and certified by ILO’s International Training Centre in Turin on Green Jobs, climate change and world of work. 

Felipe Ventura
Country: DO - Dominican Republic
Language/s spoken: Spanish
Topics: Trainer in SIYB/IMESUN/GERME, Master Trainer in SIYB/IMESUN/GERME

Perfil profesional:

Profesional de la Carrera de Educación, con una maestría en Gestión Docente y Universitaria, una especializada en Metodología de la Investigación Científica, una licenciatura en Administración y Supervisión Escolar y una certificación internacional como Master Trainer IMESUN-OIT. Mas de 15 años trabajando procesos de formación técnica para el trabajo y formación docente.


Actualmente desempeño el cargo de Subgerente Administrativo y Financiero para el Instituto de Tecnología Industrial (ITI). Facilitador para el Instituto Nacional de Formación Técnico Profesional (INFOTEP) en las áreas de Formador de Facilitadores de la Formación Profesional (FFP) y Formador de Tutor en Ambiente Virtual. Para IMESUN GLOBAL de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) la responsabilidad de Master Trainer IMESUN (Formador de Facilitadores en Gestión Empresarial) bajo la Metodología IMESUN-OIT. Fundador de Emprendedores CCC  


En estos momentos lidero la propuesta Reset RD: Educación, una iniciativa que busca contribuir al fortalecimiento del sistema educativo.

Rocio Joissy Zegarra Paredes
Country: PE - Peru
Language/s spoken:
Profile: M

Rocio Joissy Zegarra Paredes, con experiencia en Monitoreo y Evaluación programática y administrativa  de programas institucionales y con especialización en programas de Desarrollo Económico Local y Servicios de Desarrollo Empresarial para MYPES. Graduada en Economía, con estudios concluidos de Maestría en  Promoción Social y Ciudadanía, y egresada del Programa de Gobernabilidad y Gerencia Política desarrollado por la Universidad Católica del Perú y la Universidad George Washington.


Forma parte del equipo internacional de Master Trainer del Programa IMESUN- de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo, , colaboró con el diseño del programa nacional de emprendimiento urbano y rural que se desarrolla en Perú con el Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo. Ha participado en el diseño de materiales de formación adaptados para trabajar con jóvenes de áreas  urbanas y rurales  y ha realizado una  investigación respecto al autoempleo en Perú.


Ha sido funcionaria de programas de promoción del emprendimiento, como Perú Emprendedor con el Ministerio de Trabajo, y también responsable de monitoreo y evaluación del Programa de Lucha contra la Pobreza ejecutado por la Unión Europea y el Ministerio de la Mujer, en Perú.


A nivel internacional ha diseñado y   puesto  en marcha los  programas formativos para promover emprendimiento y empresarialidad ( Genere su Idea de Negocio, Inicie Su Negocio, Mejore su negocio, Expanda su negocio, Mejore el ambiente de trabajo y su empresa y  Conozca de empresa)  en Costa Rica con los Ministerios de Economía y Educación, El Salvador con el Fondo de apoyo a la microempresa, Ecuador despacho de la primera dama, Bolivia con instituciones privadas, República Dominicana con INFOTEP, Colombia con la Gobernatura y los centros de emprendimientos Valle Inn en el Valle del Cauca- Cali y en España con los ayuntamientos de Tenerife y Canarias, impulsando su institucionalización a nivel privado y del estado. También se encuentra acreditada como formadora de EMPRETEC- UNCTAD y CEFE.


Actualmente labora en la Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya,  como  coordinadora administrativa en un programa que se ejecuta en coordinación con el Ministerio de Educación del Perú y con el apoyo del Banco Mundial.

Kumaravel Purusothaman
Country: LK - Sri Lanka
Language/s spoken: English
Topics: Master Trainer in SIYB/IMESUN/GERME

A Motivational Speaker, Entrepreneurship Trainer, Enterprise Development Consultant and An entrepreneur from Sri Lanka with a combined 15 years of experience in working for entrepreneurship development institutes, is playing a pro-active role in providing startup coaching services to foster the progress of MSMEs towards success and prosperity in disadvantaged regions in the country. The principal role of his career as business consultant is to assist the local institutions in formulating policies for MSME and help the practicing and potential entrepreneurs through a host of services like training, research, consultancy, information, education and market extension.


His interest in sustainable development has focused on rural and sustainable agriculture, food resilience, community development and education. He has a long history of social activism as a means to encourage debate and positive social change and has involved himself with Green village, local empowerment and community business development. He promotes the work of The Natural Step Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development for communities and organizations that wish to understand and contribute to a sustainable future. He approaches with certified tools and how they can be used to make changes in sustainable business management.

He holds degrees in Arts as well as number of business management Studies and continues to complete a degree in LLB. He currently lives in the Eastern Sri Lanka in his native hometown. He also volunteer and aims to get better at it all.

Gideon Mankralo
Country: GH - Ghana
Language/s spoken: English
Topics: Trainer in SIYB/IMESUN/GERME

Gideon is a Business Development, Partnerships and Project Management Specialist with profound experience and knowledge in programme management, project management, and grants management.  He has designed and implemented strategies and managed donor funds targeted at strengthening agribusiness value chains tied to viable market opportunities and has built the capacities of over 5,000 collectors/farmers and 80 SMEs in over 200 communities in Sub-Sahara Africa. He has provided technical, managerial and operational expertise in executing European, USAID and government funded developmental projects that have enhanced rural incomes and expanded livelihood opportunities for over 5000 smallholder households.  As Project Manager, he provides strategic and financial oversight across varied projects and multi-stakeholder, multi-institutional, interdisciplinary/multi-cultural teams with an annual budget of $1,000,000.  He directs financial planning and has a proven record of developing and implementing financial/operational controls for effective project funds utilization and resource management. He currently works with GIZ Ghana as Advisor: Employment Promotion, managing employment promotion measures and assisting employment and self-employment initiatives mainly through TVET and financial systems development and providing advisory services to a wide range of actors.


Gideon has held many different leadership positions, applying creative problem-solving to achieve optimum resources utilization and profit maximization. He has designed and facilitated the implementation of prudent marketing campaigns for projects and organizations to increase market share. His key strength lies in his ability to streamline and enhance operations so as to make organizational work more efficient. On a personal level, he is a thoughtful individual who recognizes that any decision he makes may involve multiple trade-offs, far reaching consequences and hidden risks. He knows how to succeed through planning, monitoring, prioritizing and developing strong networks


Guillaume Warnery
Country: LB - Lebanon
Language/s spoken: English, French
Topics: Trainer in SIYB/IMESUN/GERME

A Coach and Trainer who gets results:  Over the last 6 years Guillaume a French and Swiss Citizen has helped many business owners achieve their goals and take their business to the next level.  His clients have achieved great results and improve growth in profitability, accomplished through improvements in sales, marketing, team training, and strategic planning. He helps business owners grow from an “owner wears all hats” approach to development of a results-driven and profitable team.

An Accomplish business professional: Guillaume has over twenty years of work experience in the hospitality industry; in 10 countries including General Manager of two upscale properties in Barbados. As an ActionCOACH, Guillaume belongs to a network of nearly 2,000 business coaches in more than 70 countries.  As Certified Business Coach and with the addition of his   SIYB Entrepreneurship Trainer Certification from the International Labor Organization (ILO) Guillaume is skilled at breaking down complex issues into simple steps and has the tools to help his clients succeedand reach their full potential.

Training & Coaching expertise topics:  

Start Your Business: Making a business Plan

Improve Your Business: Marketing, Buying & stock control, costing, People & productivity

Planning: Life & Business Strategy planning  

Business growth, the 5 ways to grow your business and increase your profitability   

Human Resources: Identify the best Strategies to grow your team

Time management: How to focus on “the Important but not Urgent”

Eyerusalem Gebreselam
Country: ET - Ethiopia
Language/s spoken: English
Topics: Trainer in SIYB/IMESUN/GERME, Master Trainer in SIYB/IMESUN/GERME

Eyerusalem Gebreselam has been working as training coordinator at Organization for women in self- Employment(WISE) for   the past 20 years, I am providing different training course with in the organization and for other like minded organization through our business wing.

Patricia Pulido
Country: IT - Italy
Language/s spoken: English, French, Italian, Spanish
Topics: Trainer in SIYB/IMESUN/GERME

Patricia Pulido is vice President of Labins (Social Innovation Laboratory), a social enterprise based in Turin (Italy) and Director of the Financial Education Unit.  

As Certified Trainer of SIYB package from the International Labor Organization (ILO) Patricia is skilled to provide training courses to foster entrepreneurship and to support potential entrepreneurs, including those from more vulnerable groups.

She is currently using Generate Your Business Idea (GYB) and Start Your Business (SYB) with women, young people, migrants, persons with disabilities

Patricia is skilled to provide the training in four languages: Spanish (mother language), Italian (business language), English and French

Patricia has been working in the field of microfinance for more than ten years and she has seven years of relevant professional experience in the field of financial education and savings groups methodologies in Italy.

Since 2016, Patricia has been engaged, on behalf of Labins S.C. and the foundation Compagnia di San Paolo, in several projects to foster financial literacy and entrepreneurship among vulnerable collectives in the Piedmont Region: women victims of domestic violence, unaccompanied minors, migrant people and people affected by mental health disorders.

Patricia has created training tools and knowledge sharing methodologies to train vulnerable groups at community level and she is currently trainer of trainers at national level. 

She holds an Environmental degree and a master degree in Microfinance from Autonoma University of Madrid. She studied at the Boulder Institute of Microfinance and at the Carsey Institute of New Hampshire University in Ghana, Togo and Tanzania

Patricia worked at Nantik Lum Foundation for the project “Microfinance and Remittances” based in the Dominican Republic and as lead researcher in Tanzania for the Institute of Money Technology and Financial Inclusion at the University of California. 

In 2012, she integrated her educational background in microfinance and her professional community-based microfinance experience in Europe, Latin America and Africa to create ACAF Italia. From 2013 to 2016 she was engaged, on behalf of ACAF Italia, in several projects to foster community led-microfinance in Europe. From 2016 to 2018, Patricia worked at ActionAid Italia promoting financial education as a tool to fight against poverty in Piedmont Region.

Omokorede Fasoro
Country: NG - Nigeria
Language/s spoken: English
Topics: Trainer in GET Ahead

Omokorede Fasoro qualified as a Quantity Surveyor about 30 years ago and practised for a couple of years before pursuing her passion for training and development.She also holds a Masters degree in Communication and has gained over 15 years experience as a speaker, trainer and facilitator in various aspects of entrepreneurship, leadership, personal development, corporate governance etc. 


She is a trained facilitator in the ILO Start and Improve Your Business and Financial Education packages. She is also a certified trainer in the ILO Gender and Enterprise Together (GET Ahead) Training - a package that addresses leadership and entrepreneurship skills from a gender perspective. 


Omokorede is extremely passionate about the all round empowerment of women and is the founder and coordinator of the Women of Essence Foundation. She is also the Vice President of the Lagos Chapter and Head of the Lagos Academy  of the NECA's Network of Entrepreneurial Women where she volunteers her time as an In-house trainer and business development counsellor. 


She is also the Lead Consultant of a Training firm- Maximum Impact Int’l Consult with the mission to help individuals and organisations attain peak performances.Omokorede resides with her family on the outskirts of Lagos in Nigeria. 


Polycarp Ngoje
Country: KE - Kenya
Language/s spoken: Arabic, English
Topics: Trainer in SIYB/IMESUN/GERME, Master Trainer in SIYB/IMESUN/GERME

Polycarp Ngoje is a certified and licensed (KEN/06/208) enterprise development consultant (Master Trainer) by the International Labour Organization (ILO), Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) Program and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) as well as certified investment professional practitioner (investment advisory, portfolio management, private equity, venture capital fund, asset & fund management, etc) and full member (FA/00215) of the Institute of Certified Investment and Financial Analyst (ICIFA)    with affiliation to Association of Certified International Investment Analyst (ACIIA) based in Switzerland and Association of Professional Societies in East Africa (APSEA). He is an a private partnerships specialist/ enterprise development consultant and an investment banker with professional experience spanning for over 17 years in Sub-Sahara Africa (Wide experience in East and West Africa). His experience from public private partnerships to enterprise development is a combination of hard and soft skills to the international development circles with on-the-ground experience in over 10 countries with programs funded by USAID, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, DFID, World Bank, USDA among others. He has gained strong technical expertise in financial management, shared value public private partnerships, enterprise development, opportunity analysis, management consulting, investment planning, risk analysis, debt and equity proposal development, loan structuring, project implementation and outcomes analysis. Hi experience also brings mature cross-cultural skills in leadership, cooperation and personal effectiveness to achieve development objectives in a matrix driven global environment.

Polycarp holds academic qualification in Bachelor of Agribusiness Management and Masters of Business Administration (MBA) with concentration in Finance & strategy (both from Egerton University, Kenya). He has competency certificate in Public Private Partnership (PPP) skills from the Institute of Public Private Partnership (IP3 Institute), Washington DC and also trained in Public Private Partnership’s competency at the World Bank Group Open Learning Campus (MOOC Course). Beside this, he has a diploma certificate in Housing Finance from University of Pennsylvania (Wharton Real Estate Centre), Philadelphia, USA. He is a World Bank trained Governance and Sustainable competitiveness in emerging markets by the World Bank Institute (WBI), Washington DC. He has equally attended various trainings in a number of institutions notably, Copen Hagen Business School (Business Mentorship & Coaching Program), Securities Instruments Training Institute, International Training Centre Academy in Turin where I trained in Sustainable Enterprise Development/New trends in Enterprise Development among others.

mahmoud samhan
Country: JO - Jordan
Language/s spoken: Arabic, English
Topics: Trainer in SIYB/IMESUN/GERME

Mahmoud Samhan



Pablo José Fernández Perez
Country: GE - Georgia
Language/s spoken: English, French, German, Russian, Spanish
Topics: Trainer in SIYB/IMESUN/GERME

After graduating in business administration at the School of Economics in Berlin, I have dedicated my professional career to the implementation of social enterprises and business initiatives. I have a strong commitment to support community initiatives, self-help groups and non-profit organisations establishing their own social business. I was founder and CEO during ten years of a succesfully work integration social enterprise for People living with HIV in Berlin and coordinator of education projects on integration of asylum seekers at local, national and international level. Further I have worked nine years as consultant for social business in Chad, Moldova and Georgia. Besides that, I volunteer as advisor of a social business initiative on handicrafts production from ex-convicts in Georgia

Leydi Amador Castro
Country: CR - Costa Rica
Language/s spoken: Spanish
Topics: Trainer in SIYB/IMESUN/GERME

Asesora Nacional del Departamento de Gestión de Empresas y Educación Cooperativa del Ministerio de Educación Pública de Costa Rica, ente rector que elabora, orienta, supervisa y atiende las acciones para el fortalecimiento de la cultura emprendedora en general y cooperativista en particular entre los formadores y jóvenes del sistema educativo del país. Además acreditada como Facilitadora Nacional para Costa Rica del Programa CODE (Conozca de Empresas) de la OIT desde hace una década, en razón de lo cual ha participado en la formación de más de 900 docentes técnicos en el conocimiento e implementación de dicho programa.

Linda Deelen
Country: IT - Italy
Language/s spoken: English, French, Spanish
Topics: Lead Trainer in GET Ahead

Lead trainer in GET Ahead.

Ricardo Dames
Country: ZA - South Africa
Language/s spoken: English
Topics: Trainer in SIYB/IMESUN/GERME, Master Trainer in SIYB/IMESUN/GERME

I am a BDS Practitioner and Business Management Skills Trainer, SIYB Master Trainer.

I have developed a package of Social Enterprise Training Materials for ILO and have trained more than 100 SIYB Trainers.

I have a PHD in SMME Incubation and run a number of SMME Incubators.